Happy kid got her new reading collections! :)
Well, these 3 novels are apparently not newly published, and in fact they are my very first secondhand ones. For school textbooks it's already so common for students to buy used books from seniors, and I often do that too as it saves me much, provided that they are in good conditions. But for novels, yesterday was my first time.
I know that there are ample secondhand book stores in Bras Basah Complex which I never thought to visit before. But yesterday's book fair had simply caught my attention. Tee-hee. And most of the books were actually in excellent condition.
Then I realised that we all probably have those books that we only read once, then we abandoned them in our shelves. Aren't they a waste of papers?
But I won't blame anyone who collects them as a hobby since I'm in that category too. When I buy original books, I often get reluctant to give them away.
But while there are still many unlucky people outside who long to buy books or have to consider any other priority before purchasing new books, why don't we donate or sell ours in lower price?
We all know that books consist of papers and papers come from woods. Though we pay for the process of turning them into papers, isn't it selfish to exploit all those trees that can actually protect our earth from global warming and clean the atmosphere?
So if buying secondhand books can not only save money but also save the earth, then why not?
It's time to go green, people! :)
For your information, the book fair will be at Novena Square from 10th to 16th February 2014.