Thursday, July 3, 2014

Throwback Thursday

If right now you are asked to think of one of the inspiring moment in life, what comes to your mind?

Back to me, I would probably recall the Singapore's National Achiever Congress (NAC) 2014 that I attended last month and I was feeling beyond blessed to be able to witness many many speakers in live, especially Nick Vujicic, the guy with no arms and legs talking as close as 2 m in front of me.

I should confess that Nick is too amazing and he inspires me thaaaaaaaaat much with his short but powerful talk about life, how he made the jump although he had been so desperate and felt like giving up his life for more than once. Well I mean who wouldn't be discouraged if being put in Nick's shoes, having to encounter countless mockeries and being looked down by others everyday. Many would probably just give up and keep blaming everyone but themselves.But Nick, he's different.Although he came to realise that the possibility for him to be a speaker is close to 0, he eventually succeeded because he knew that that close to zero as in decimal is infinite. It can be 0.1, 0.111, 0.11111, 0.111111111... It's limitless :)

Well at least that's how I can describe about him after immersed myself in the roughly-one-hour talk. I should probably grab his "Limitless" book and come with greater ideas about Nick next time while applying more to my own self :)
But yes, possibility is really limitless if we try to project ourselves more confidently. We are all bound by nothing but by our own visionary wall. Either to break or not to break, it depends on us. Similarly in every action that we're gonna take daily, it's just as simple as yes or no, dare or not, and want or not. But yeah..implications and consequences are always the harder parts. We should always have to work hard on our brain, let our analytical mind work, and come with the rightest sense before coming to the yes or no decision. Interesting, huh?

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Yellow Fellow

Nothing is eternal, even the soulless flowers aren't. But while they're blooming, why don't we cherish the beauty?

Sometimes we are too caught up with our own gluttony that we take many for granted.
Count your blessings ppl!
Look around and take a good care of them while they're still there :)

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Weeks have gone by and I haven't received any news yet.
Some people say no news is a good news, but how can one not be curious about the happenings and the future?
How can one take an action and simply forget about it? Isn't it ignorant to neglect the outcome of what he/she has done?
Ok it's getting out of topic actually.
But you have no idea how it makes me flutter each day just hoping to receive the news..oh really...
Dear God, please give me the strength to believe that I have done my best and that I deserve the best O:)

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Right Moves

Happy kid got her new reading collections! :)

Well, these 3 novels are apparently not newly published, and in fact they are my very first secondhand ones. For school textbooks it's already so common for students to buy used books from seniors, and I often do that too as it saves me much, provided that they are in good conditions. But for novels, yesterday was my first time.
I know that there are ample secondhand book stores in Bras Basah Complex which I never thought to visit before. But yesterday's book fair had simply caught my attention. Tee-hee. And most of the books were actually in excellent condition.

Then I realised that we all probably have those books that we only read once, then we abandoned them in our shelves. Aren't they a waste of papers?

But I won't blame anyone who collects them as a hobby since I'm in that category too. When I buy original books, I often get reluctant to give them away.
But while there are still many unlucky people outside who long to buy books or have to consider any other priority before purchasing new books, why don't we donate or sell ours in lower price?    

We all know that books consist of papers and papers come from woods. Though we pay for the process of turning them into papers, isn't it selfish to exploit all those trees that can actually protect our earth from global warming and clean the atmosphere?
So if buying secondhand books can not only save money but also save the earth, then why not?
It's time to go green, people! :)

For your information, the book fair will be at Novena Square from 10th to 16th February 2014.

Monday, February 10, 2014


"Time is money"
Remember that idiom we learnt in primary school?

Well for me..time is even more precious than money.
It is something that can't be tuned back, unlike money which can be earned all over again by working or selling your assets.

It is something that if we're given another minute of it, will result in different action and aftermath in our life.
It is something that if given to a doctor a few minutes of it, will save a life.

At the end of the day, the seminar speaker will tell you that time management is one of those things you gotta have to succeed in life.
Well it indeed is.

Sometimes I might get so busy and ask myself, "Why am I getting myself into all these tasks? Why am I putting myself in such a tight schedule? Why did I immerse myself in all these activities, if I can choose to simply relax at home?"'s for the sake of learning, gaining new insight, sharing ideas, socialising - or simply call it 'living'.
It's because we need varieties in life, just like students needing extracurricular activities outside from their academics life.
We need some challenges because smooth sea doesn't make a skilful sailor.
But all those bunches of activities might not be accomplished in such a balance without good time management.

I believe we all have those days when we wish we have more than 24 hours a day to complete all of our tasks, and sometimes multitasking might get our brain so exhausted.
But with good time management from the beginning, we might not get ourselves extra burden at the end of the day.
I personally think that time management is about appreciating time beyond any circumstances.
It is to make use of every second wisely.
Each day can be made useful by filling it with daily routines, and the order should be organised based on different levels of priority.
If we consistently feed ourselves with daily dose of tasks, we might not get so overwhelmed on only certain deadlines.

To end my post, I will further add this "26 Time Management Hacks I Wish I'd Known at 20" that I read from other website. See below:

26 Time Management Hacks I Wish I'd Known at 20 

See you on my next post and I hope we all can appreciate our time and make use of everyday wisely! :)